Femme Sole Clay Kit


The perfect gift for the aspiring beginner potter!!  The Femme Sole Clay Kit comes with 5lbs of clay, the basic potters tool kit, a canvas table liner, and an instructional pamphlet with images. 

Potters tool kit: includes a pin tool, wire tool, sponge, modeling knife, ribbon tool, trim tool.  

The clay provided is cone 6 and will need to be fired after each project is complete.  

The Femme Sole Studio offers kiln firing services for a fee.  

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The perfect gift for the aspiring beginner potter!!  The Femme Sole Clay Kit comes with 5lbs of clay, the basic potters tool kit, a canvas table liner, and an instructional pamphlet with images. 

Potters tool kit: includes a pin tool, wire tool, sponge, modeling knife, ribbon tool, trim tool.  

The clay provided is cone 6 and will need to be fired after each project is complete.  

The Femme Sole Studio offers kiln firing services for a fee.  

The perfect gift for the aspiring beginner potter!!  The Femme Sole Clay Kit comes with 5lbs of clay, the basic potters tool kit, a canvas table liner, and an instructional pamphlet with images. 

Potters tool kit: includes a pin tool, wire tool, sponge, modeling knife, ribbon tool, trim tool.  

The clay provided is cone 6 and will need to be fired after each project is complete.  

The Femme Sole Studio offers kiln firing services for a fee.